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Agarwood tea: Reviewed by Alexa teaview.com

April 14, 2016 2 min read

 "When I received an email asking me to try this Agarwood tea I couldn’t resist. Grandawood, the company that offers this interesting tea, is based in Australia. They don’t only sell Agarwood tea but Agarwood jewelry. I find it so intriguing that this wood can make both jewelry and tea! This company owns over 400 acres of Agarwood forest and aims to show people the benefits of these trees! Their tea is made from 100% pure organic young Agarwood dried leaves. This tea is also chemical-free.

Agarwood, known as the ‘Wood of God’ has been used in Chinese medicine for many decades. Agarwood is known for it’s amazing benefits. This tea supposedly improves sleep and bowel movements, reduces cholesterol, detoxes skin and improves skin texture, and stabilizes blood sugar levels. This is a pretty incredible list! Agarwood leaves contain terpenoids which are known to relax and sedate. On top of all this, Agarwood not only helps with weight loss, but it can also reduce intoxication. If you’re feeling tipsy, maybe it’s time to have a cup of Agarwood tea!

I steeped 1 teabag in one cup of boiling water. The tea has a smell very unlike any other teas I have had. It reminds me of a damp forest and a camp fire. It smells bitter and astringent. I only steeped the tea for 3 minutes allowing the water to become light brown but the flavor was powerful. This is some very, very strong tea. It’s hard for me to describe the flavor but for some reason it reminds me of burnt wood. I read that some people just consume little bits of this tea at a time and I’m wondering if that’s because they can’t down a whole cup. It has a little bit of a sweet aftertaste, but even adding sugar doesn’t help the extreme bitterness.

The first time I consumed this tea, I made some mistakes. For one, I steeped it too long. 3 minutes is really all the time this tea needs. Next, I added sugar in attempts to cover the bitterness. This didn’t help at all in my opinion. If you’re going to sweeten this tea, use honey. The time of day you drink this tea is also important! It seriously makes you sleepy. The first time I drank it at noon and I just wanted to nap all afternoon. The second time I had it before bed and slept like a baby. Also, keep in mind that this tea does indeed affect your bowel movements. Make sure you drink this tea when you’ve been eating properly. I also read that some people are allergic to Agarwood essential oil, meaning they are likely allergic to Agarwood tea as well. This is important to keep in mind before ordering. "
Reference:: Teaview

As you could see, this tea is more about sleep aid, constipation relief than solely enjoyment as it is quite bitter in taste hence the score 6.7/10.


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