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*New* The Great - Wild Agarwood Bracelet

This 19mm Agarwood bracelet is made from $150,000 USD infected Aquilaria tree.

This tree is from our plantation in Binh Phuoc Dong Xoai, and it is worth at least $150,000 USD.

No, we will not distil oil from this tree because it is so beautiful. It will be a waste if we turn it into agarwood oil.

Besides, if we distil oil from this wood, we will get anywhere from 0.6% to 1%. It means that no so many people have a chance to appreciate the beauty of it. So we thought some agarwood bracelets or mala would be a better choice. Because we can make a few of them and it would make you happy.


Natural infected Wild Agarwood

Take a closer look at this special log, do you see some holes?

These holes were bored by ants and other insects in many decades. 

The best part is: it is from our own plantation. There is no chemical, no special technique to create agarwood in this tree. We planted this tree, but left mother nature did the work: creating Agarwood.


About this Wild Agarwood bracelet

We design it for a big man who has a large wrist.

It is 19mm over 31g compared to the average of 22g of this size.

It has features of high-grade agarwood: full of resin and oil pores. Take a closer look at the below images.


So if you are after something special for yourself or someone who has a large wrist, this magnificent agarwood bracelet is for you.

Perfect fit for someone has a wrist size of 19cm to 20cm.

If you have a smaller wrist and still wish to take this bracelet, we can take one ore two beads ours for you. You keep the extra one which can be used to make your own gemstone bracelet.