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April 09, 2022 5 min read

Is it true that wild Agarwood going to be extinct?

What is "extinction" ?

Extinction: a situation in which something no longer exists (Cambridge Dictionary)


Agarwood is the defence mechanism of the Aquilaria trees. Currently, we have access to more than one million Aquilaria trees combined. And these Aquilaria trees are from different species: A.Crassna, A. Malaccensis, A. Sinesis...  

 (our family plantation Dong Xoai Binh Phuoc)

Would you classify something that has millions in numbers as "extinction"?


For me, I would not use the word "extinct". The Aquilaria trees are plenty, and the shortage is matured Agarwood, which may need decades to achieve divine quality. 

In short, the Wild Agarwood becomes rarer and rarer because there is not enough time for it to form.


The availability of wild Agarwood.


It takes several years or even decades to form Agarwood inside any wounded Aquilaria tree. It is believed that only one in a hundred or even a thousand Aquilaria trees has Agarwood in the wild. With high demands, Wild Agarwood is harvested faster than it could form. For this reason, finding wild Agarwood in the wild Aquilaria trees is more and more difficult.

But given time, it will thrive again, and time is the crucial element here. We need to give the wild Aquilaria tree enough time for it to form more Agarwood in the right environment.



Sustainably cultivated Oud oil  increasing in demand because of its divine aroma in the natural perfume industry. Below are brief information about these aromatic oils.


1. What is sustainable cultivated Oud oil?

When it comes to Agarwood oil, there are two main categories: sustainable and non-sustainable. The sustainable category is further divided into two types: cultivated and wild. Here's the difference: sustainable Agarwood is grown on plantations, while non-sustainable Agarwood oil is sourced from wild trees. The problem with sourcing from the wild is that it's not sustainable—it's depleting the world's natural resources. Sourcing from cultivated plantations is a more sustainable option because it allows for controlled growth and harvest of the Agarwood trees. Our plantation is rainforest friendly, which means we don't clear acres of land to make way for plantations—we grow our own resources!


2. What are the benefits of using sustainable cultivated Oud oil?

The benefits of using sustainable cultivated Oud oil are vast. Sustainable cultivation protects the environment, but it also allows for larger-scale production without damaging the earth. In contrast, wild harvesting (or harvesting from trees that have died naturally) can be devastating to the environment, as it often involves stripping forests bare and leaving landscapes barren. Furthermore, sustainable cultivation means that our oud oil is ethically produced, meaning that the people involved in every step of the process are treated fairly and paid a living wage. Finally, our crafted Oud oil is of the highest quality and purity, thanks to our meticulous distillation process. We take no shorts cut, which means you get an aromatic oudy woody oud oil. You can use oud oil in perfume or as a perfume itself.

Many Oud lovers believe that Wild Oud oil is better than farm-grown Oud oil. But is this true?

Before answering this question, if you are an oud lover, you will know the oud aroma depends on three elements:

The raw material (Agarwood)
The equipment used (distillation apparatus pot)
The skill of the distiller

Agarwood grown on plantations are usually "younger." It means that the resin content is not as high as the wild one.
However, if the wild Agarwood used to distil is not matured, the distilled Oud oil will be similar to the plantation one, and in some cases, it could be worse.
Besides, Oud (Oudh) oil brewed in copper apparatus will smell different in stainless steel apparatus. The heating method will also contribute to the aroma profile. There are three ways of producing heat for the distilling pot: gas, electricity and the old-schooled firewood.

So in short, being grown in the farm, if the distiller is skilled enough, he could turn farm-grown oud oil from ordinary into extraordinary. Some even surpass many wild Oud oil. One example would be the Misty Forest.


3. How can you tell if an Oud oil is sustainable?

It stands to reason then that not all Oud oils are equal. How can you tell if an Oud oil is sustainable? One way is to look for the mention of a plantation. Sustainable Oud oil is always produced from cultivated plants, never from wild trees. The other tell-tale marker is the quality and scent of the oil. A good, sustainable Oud oil will have a consistent quality and scent profile each time you purchase it. This is due to the fact that it's distilled in a controlled environment, versus older methods of distillation which can be inconsistent and produce poorer quality oil. Sustainability and quality need not be mutually exclusive—you can have your cake and eat it too!


4. Why is it important to know where your Oud oil comes from?

When you're looking for the perfect ingredient for your perfume, you want to be absolutely sure of the quality and consistency you're getting. That's why it's so important to be discerning when choosing your Oud oil. There's a big difference between wild and sustainably cultivated Oud oil, and not everyone knows the difference. Wild Oud oil is sourced from trees that have been illegally logged in the wild, which can lead to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Sustainable Oud oil is cultivated using traditional methods that don't damage the environment, so you can feel good knowing that your purchase is supporting responsible farming practices. What's more, sustainable Oud oil has a more consistent scent profile than wild Oud oil, so you can be sure that you're getting a quality product each and every time.


5. How can you find sustainable cultivated Oud oil?

When it comes to finding sustainable Oud oil, it's important to look for a supplier that gets their oil from cultivated farmers. That's where we come in. We're a group of farmers who grow our Agarwood sustainably, and we take care in crafting and distilling our oud oil. We make sure that every step of the process is done with sustainability in mind, so you can feel good about using our oil. Not only is our oil sustainably sourced, but our oud oil are crafted with care.So if you're looking for the best of the best, look no further than our Agarwood sample set.



The benefits of using sustainable cultivated Oud oil are vast. Not only does the oil come from a sustainable source, but it is also ethically and environmentally friendly. By being discerning about your Oud oil, you can help to unlock the potential for a more sustainable future for the industry. Get your cultivated Oud oil from our sustainable Agarwood farm today.

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