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Lab test: Grandawood Aquilaria Crassna (agarwood) leaves (from our forest in Vietnam, the Evergreen Co)

Disclaimer: WE ARE NOT DOCTOR, the information below is for reference and education purpose only based on science research articles. Please consult your doctor always should you have any concerns.

Have you sick of "slim tea" claimed without scientific evidences? or another "weight loss" pills? Or healthy bubble tea with full of sugar?

Without doubt, consuming green tea (from camellia sinensis)  offers many health benefits according to multiple research (Paula Spencer Scott, nd). 

What we are about to introduce is not really tea (it is not from camellia sinesis plant) but herbal infusion, the Aquilaria Crassna leaves (Thymelaeaceae family, one of the species creates agarwood when wounded), known as agarwood tea. We proudly presented the lab results showing Iriflophenone ,Genkwanin and Methoxyflavone are in our Agarwood leaves.  Please see the below benefit for each compound

  1. Iriflophenone: blood sugar stablisation, beneficial for diabetes
  2. Genkwanin: detox, bowel movement, constipation ease without diarrhea
  3.  Methoxyflavone: anabolic agent that offers benefits such as increased lean mass without the side-effects of steroids

Combine this tea with the right excercise and diet, this is a great natural product for its health beneficial

Click here for our genuine young agarwood tea (herbal infusion) leaves. 


Last but not least, test by other method showed " NEOPHYTADIENE" compound presented which has anti-inflammatory activity. This explains the speedy recovery of our customers from sport related training.



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